Jul 26, 2015

NEW BLOG! - It Was Bound To Happen!

Hey there!

I am soooo excited! I just started my second blog! It Was Bound To Happen! It's my book blog (and that's the title of it)!

I know! Enough already with the exclamation marks! I'm just so excited about my latest baby!

I love this blog, don't get me wrong. Makeup and skin care and home decor is a big love of mine. I enjoy trying new things and sharing them with you. But, my first love is reading.

I love books so hard y'all, it's not even funny. I read 3 - 4, sometimes even 5 or 6, books a week. I spend my free time going to new places within the pages of books. I read other folks book blogs and watch booktube videos (which, I found out, are book related videos on YouTube). The reason that I decided I needed to start my own book blog is because it seems that one of the last books that I read is a book that only I like.

I'm a member of 3 book clubs (don't judge me) and one of the clubs had to read this book (I'll review it on my other blog, at a later date). I really enjoyed it and when I went to Goodreads to chat about my enjoyment, I saw that everyone in my book club hated the book! I was floored! I wanted to shout out how good it was and everyone else was freaked out about the book content. So, rather than press the issue, I kept quiet.

But now, I can use my blog as my platform to talk about all of the books that I read, good and bad. Yes, there will be some folks that I won't like the same books that I do and they can certainly feel free to tell me all about their thoughts. And, folks can recommend books to me! Tell me what they are reading and what they liked about it.

I thought about reviewing books here but this is just not the space for it. And, I really want to review quite a few books and it would take over this space and this space is a painted, powdered, puffed and perfumed space only.

I can't wait to get started. So far there is only one post and it's about beginning the blog. I don't have a post plan. I'll post several times a week but not sure how often or when. It won't be quite like this one, where I write almost every day. Instead, it will just be a random space for my love of books.

You ready? You want to come to a new place with me? Come on!

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