Mar 13, 2015

Quickie Re-Review - Exfoliating Gloves

Hey there!

About this time last year I decide to try using exfoliating gloves to do a body exfoliation once a week or so. I saw it on a YouTube channel and they kept talking about the benefits of exfoliating your entire body. I totally bought into it.

You know what? After 3 times, my skin began to feel raw. After the 4th time (several weeks later) I gave up. I didn't want to do it anymore because my skin felt all tingly and not in the good way.

So my dilemma was that I had already purchased several of the exfoliating gloves. They were only about $1.99 at Wal-mart. For a few months I didn't touch the gloves. Then I had to use a hair removal cream on my legs.  The problem for me always comes when it's time to wipe that stuff off. If you are like me, you don't like the feel of that crap and you don't want to mess up a good bath towel. I was in a pinch though so you know what I used? An exfoliating glove.

Wow! Yes, it removed the hair removal cream and you know how you always have 4 stray hairs that don't get removed? The exfoliating glove removed those 3 of those hairs. I only had 1 stray hair! I call that a win. Then, I lathered the glove with some bath wash and re-washed my legs, exfoliating as I went.

I normally get a good 4 or 5 days before the first hairs pop up and it's time to redo the job (or you just ignore it until you have to wear a dress or shorts). You know what? This time it was a little over a full week. Yep! 8 days! That's pretty spectacular.

I like being able to recycle things instead of toss them. I also like smooth legs. I'm getting the best of both worlds! The exfoliating glove isn't doing the thing that I bought it for but it sure is doing a heck of a job serving its new purpose.

I probably won't buy them from Wal-Mart again because they've gone up to about $2.99 or so now BUT Dollar Tree carries them and I think I might buy one from there and try it out.

Have you tried exfoliating gloves for either purpose? What did you think of them?

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