Dec 25, 2014

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things - Family

Hey There!

Merry Christmas! As you are reading this I am probably eating something very holidayish. It doesn't matter what time you are reading this, I'm still probably eating. Four of the Sisters (my mother has four sisters) are in town (3 plus my mommie) and cooking. I will, no doubt, have to waddle back home tonight.

I've mentioned several of my favorite things throughout this month and I saved the best for last. Family.

I'm not going to get all political about it and I know that not everyone feels the same way I do. All of my family lives within a 25 mile radius (except my daddy) and we see each other often and talk to each other daily. But, at the holidays we see each other A LOT and it reminds me that I really do have the greatest family on earth. I also get to spend time with friends that are just as close as family. That's important too. A hug from a good friend is just as good as a hug from a sister.

I won't dwell on it too long (hello, I'm eating here!) but I do want to stress, if you have friends or family close by, give them a hug while you can. If you don't have friends and family, you know what, go out somewhere and just be with people -- The mall, the restaurant, the library, the grocery store. Chat with the cashiers and the waitresses. Look back at all of my 'These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things' and pick one (or all) and do that thing.

The holidays can be rough for folks but you CAN make it better. You just have to choose to do so.

Now excuse me good people, there is a slice of chocolate cake with my name on it!

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