Borrowed (with absolute love) from madebysteffie.sendasmile.com |
Hey there!
Just a warning -- this is not about makeup or
home goods. I turned 43 yesterday so today I get to talk about life. I get to
have a real moment on my blog. If that's not for you, you may want to check
back in tomorrow. But, if you want to give me a birthday gift, you can let me
have this moment and be ok with it. There's some babbling and some tears, but
it will ok.
I told you yesterday that I'd probably write
about how fantastical turning 43 is. Well, it is pretty fantastical but that
has very little to do with me. It has everything to do with the kiddo and
You see, I've been a single mom for quite a
bit and raising kids is hard (you know that!). I've mentioned the kiddo and
I've mentioned how magically wonderful she is. She is AMAZING! I am a lucky
momma. But, the kiddo is graduating in less than 30 days. When she graduates,
we get to shift from kiddo to young lady and we get to shift from teenage
lifestyle to adult young lady lifestyle.
That's a big leap for me and her! We both are
about to see some changes! We're moving to a different area. We're getting rid
of old, childish furniture and we're getting new, adult people furniture. We're
transitioning from mommie and child to mother and daughter. That doesn't seem
like anything big, but any mommie getting ready to turn to a mother because
their child is graduating high school or college or joining the service or
getting a big girl/boy job knows that it is major! Life is about to shift.
And I'm excited about it.
43 is going to be a new adventure because it
really will be new. The kiddo (and we will have to find a new name in 28 days
-- help me with that please) will have a different set of rules. Those high
school rules and regulations will change to college permissions and
restrictions. No, neither of us knows what they are just yet, but there will be
some and we are both excited about it.
So what does that mean for me? Well, major
thing, I'm moving to a city (about 20 miles from where I am now) that is
structured around a work/play lifestyle that I enjoy. When I researched the
city I didn't ask one damned question about the nearest school. I didn't ask
where the local park was and I didn't look to see if a daycare center was near
me. Nope! I wanted to know where shopping was and if I could grab a bottle of
wine on the way home from work. Priority shift.
I also have begun the process of not running
home after work. Sometimes I meet co-workers or friends for a drink or bite to
eat after work and sometimes I just go shopping. Yes, there is a bit of guilt
associated with it but that's a mom thing. I've been told by the best "moms
of post college kids" that it never goes away but it does dull a bit.
I can also travel a bit more. Not Disney Land
type travel -- touring wine country or ladies spa weekend type travel. I don't
have to check in with the kiddo to make sure she locked the door, warmed up her
dinner, did homework, etc. I simply tell her I'm going out of town, I left you food
and snacks, deuces. The only time she calls me is if she can't find the pop
tarts or ran out of toothpaste (both are true phone calls, recently!). She is
learning to be independent and find her way in the world. That mean's I'm
learning to do the same thing!
So I'm ready 43! While the kiddo is blossoming
into a great, responsible, beautiful, young lady, I'm blossoming into me. I'm
able to take off my mommie hat (hold it in my hand or sit it right next to me
-- you know keep it near in case of emergencies) and be me. I haven't been me
in 25 years. I've been wifey and mommie but I haven't been me.
I'm going to enjoy the hell outta 43! If you
want to see it, take a peek at my Instagram
(<-- that's the link) and you can see what fun and exciting things I'm up
to. On my blog, I'm going to do some new, fun stuff too! You get a the same
birthday gift that I get!
Only I get to wear it, eat it, touch it, smell
it and you get to read about what I thought about wearing it, eating it,
touching it, smelling it.
That's almost the same thing!
Enjoy 43 with me.