Jan 31, 2014

Quickie Review - Revlon Super Lustrous Lip Gloss

Folks, you know that I love a good lip gloss. Lipstick is fine but a good gloss makes my day. I don't care that you have to reapply them more. Lip glosses allow for mistakes and they allow for wardrobe changes. You can wear a vivid, red hot gloss in the morning and then a warm, cocoa gloss after lunch. I had the joy of adding 2 more beautiful colors to my lip gloss collection.

A few weeks ago I picked up Revlon Super Lustrous Lip Glosses in Fatal Apple and Pinkissimo. Ahhhh, such wonderful colors. Fatal Apple is a red that you can keep fairly sheer or build up to a red delicious, apple color. Pinkissimo is a soft, cotton candy, sparkly pink. Both colors can hold their own or you can line your lips with a nice lip liner. You know I'm on a Rimmel London kick so may I suggest, Red Dynamite and Indian Pink? I begin the day with a liner and then reapply after lunch sans liner. Such a flattering look.

I have my eye on Fuchsia Finery and Sugar Violet. Then that means new lip liners...ah such a tough life!

See you at the drugstore!

Jan 30, 2014

Sample Bin Review - Perfumes

Hey All,

I've pulled out the sample bin and decided to smell good for a few days. Sure, I normally smell good but for 3 days per perfume, I'm going to smell really good!

The perfumes that I will be trying are samples that I requested online, got in a goodie bag or came as a gift with purchase. I don't know why I keep them. Honestly, I wear body oils or body sprays when I remember to. Most of the time I forget that I even have fragrances.

I needed to either dump the perfumes or start using them. I decided using them was the best thing. So, here are the first round reviews of the perfumes from the sample bin.

This was a sweet, soft vanilla and floral fragrance. Not bad really but a little too sweet for me. The bottle is classic and would look good on your dresser. It was nice and I'd buy it as a gift for someone else.

CHANEL COCO MADEMOISELLE Eau de Parfum - Department Store $85 for 1.7 oz Eau de Parfum Spray
Such a nice, classic fragrance. I thought it would be an old lady, heavy fragrance but I was pleasantly surprised. Yes, the bottle is pretty but the name on your dresser would make all the difference. This is one that I may have to give in and purchase.

Calvin Klein euphoria - Department Stores $66.00 for 1.7 oz Eau de Parfum Spray
I had never heard of this. Yep, I must have been under a rock. I really liked this one. It's a bit heavier than I normally like but I wore this one longer than just the required 3 days. Other reviews said this one was sexy. I can see that. This is definitely a date night fragrance that tells him...well, you know what it tells him!

White Musk Perfume Oil by The Body Shop - $16 for .5 fl oz
This scent blew me away. It was a deeper toned, richer fragrance than I normally go for but I really liked it. It was sexy and smoldering and it was still there when I got home after work. People would stop me, try to figure out the scent and then ask me what I was wearing. This one I plan on purchasing. The price point is great.

What about you? I know you have all those fragrances that you've collected, those pages you've ripped out of the magazines. What are you doing with them? Ready to try them out? You might find a new favorite fragrance.

Stay tuned for part 2. I have several fragrances remaining!

Jan 29, 2014

Coastal Review Brushes, Bright Eyed & Customer Service

I tried Coastal Scents for the first time this past November during the Black Friday sale. They had 1/2 price off of the entire online store! That is the best time to try new products for me! I picked up 3 brushes and some Bright Eyed Eye Brightener. I can't remember what I paid exactly but it was under $18. Well worth it!


I really wanted to try the Coastal Scents Classic Blush Angle Large Synthetic brush. My fave blush brush up until that point was the e.l.f. Studio Angled Blush Brush. I'm sad to say that the e.l.f. brush is still my favorite. I got the Coastal Scents brush and the handle is a bit too long for my needs. The brush head is a bit larger too. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the brush itself. It's soft and fluffy and is well made. It's just as good as the e.l.f. brush. It was just a bit larger than I needed.


 The Coastal Scents Bionic Flat Top Buffer has become my new powder foundation brush. I love it! It's not as dense as my Sigma F80 but that's probably good when it comes to powder foundation (which is my go to foundation for daily wear). Both brushes are about the same size even though the head of the F80 is just a hair bigger than the Flat Top Buffer. I use this brush EVERYDAY and my F80 is now the back up.

 I ordered the Classic Tapered Kabuki Stick to round out my brush portion of the order. I've used it a few times but it mainly sits and waits for me. There's nothing wrong with it and it's super soft. I just haven't had the opportunity to use it. Honestly, I'm not really sure what I'd use it for. But, I have it if I need it.

I didn't just order makeup brushes. I also ordered Bright Eyed Eye Brightener in medium. I had heard many good things about it. I don't have super dark circles or anything but I did want to see if my eyes could look any more refreshed. Being a good blogger at night (ok, watching too many beauty guru videos) can be heck the next morning. Maybe my eyes can look more refreshed but this brightener didn't do it. For one, I think the color is incorrect for me. I probably should have gone with light even though the suggestion on line was that the medium would be a good match. Moreover, the eye brightener settled into wrinkles that I didn't even know I had. If anything I looked tired and old. No worries. I can probably find another use for it so not a total loss.

So my order was 1 for 4 BUT I did have the opportunity to deal with customer service. There was a glitch in the system and my order was placed twice. Someone contacted me right away and a credit was issued immediately along with an apology email. Good customer service will win me over every time. So even though only 1 of my items made the hit list, I'll still place orders with Coastal Scents.

Jan 28, 2014

Quickie Review - Sally Hershberger Go With The Blow Thermal Styler

Hey Good Peeps!
On a recent CVS Haul I picked up a Sally Hershberger Go With The Blow Thermal Styler hair product. The normal price was about $13 but it was discounted to $3.74. I thought at that price I'd give it a try. No, I hadn't heard great reviews or anything. As a matter of fact, I had never heard of the product but I figured it was probably a decent product. Look at the price point! The reason for the discounted price is probably because they are repackaging it or something, right?!

 I normally use Mizani Spradiance High Gloss Serum on my hair. I just separate my hair into a small finger sized portion, coat the portion with a drop of High Gloss Serum and then run my flat iron over the hair strand, twice. I'm left with soft, silky, straight hair (that smells really good!) and when my entire head is done, I just shake my head to and fro like any hair model would. I love the product but at a $21 price tag for 5 fluid oz., I thought that I'd try this Go With The Blow product. Even at full price, it's a heck of a savings.

Well folks, it was not a heck of a savings. This product is not even good (for MY hair -- it may work just fine on yours). I knew when I squirted the product into my hand there would be problems. It was thin and runny and it smelled like alcohol. Alcohol, my friends, is not a silky product on the hair. When I smoothed it on the separated portion of hair, it was wet, not silky like my High Gloss Serum. I had to wait 3 minutes and let my hair dry before I could pull the flat iron through. When you have two heads to pull (with the flat iron), you don't want to lose time waiting for wet hair to dry.

And to add insult to injury, it did not smooth my hair to the soft, manageable consistency that I was looking for. After attempting to pull 4 hair portions, I put it away. It wasn't helping my hair and that alcohol smell left me suspicious that it was more damaging than anything. I wanted to love the Sally Hershberger Go With The Blow Thermal Styler hair product but it was not meant to be.

I've learned my lesson. Research new products. I've got the internet on my phone! I should have read some reviews. Better yet, I should have left well enough alone. None of my 'sista bloggers' mentioned this hair product. I wasn't hunting for a new hair product. It's not like a bad lipstick -- you wipe it off and put on a new one. Using the wrong product before flat ironing your hair could cause real problems.

I'll keep using my product and paying the $21.

At least I know it works!

Jan 27, 2014

Brush Up On It!!

I don't have a lot of makeup brushes. I probably have the same amount of brushes that any makeup lovin' girl has. I don't have a ton of high end brushes either. My most expensive brush is my Sigma F80 and I got it on sale and with a gift card. I'm frugal, people!
Even though I don't have a lot of brushes, I have played with them enough that I know what I like. I really mean I play in brushes. I've gone to the store and just picked up makeup brushes, felt the bristles, examined the barrel and even sniffed them. Yes, I did. Sorry. I touch and feel brushes the same way I swatch makeup colors. I bounce the bristles on my palm and see how much give they have. Some brushes need firmness and others need give. And well, is it pretty? I'm not an expert people! When in doubt, go with pretty!
My most recent brush purchases have been eyeshadow brushes. I'm pretty set on what I like in a smudge or crease brush and I sometimes use my finger to pack on color. I've also been known to use the sponge tip applicators that come in eyeshadows (not often though). What I've been playing with lately are blending brushes and getting a feel for what I like in a blending brush. I have about 10 blending brushes and out of those I have 4 that I really love and use first. The rest are backups.

My faves right now are my e.l.f. Essential Blending Eye Brush and cmakeupstore 'I am smoked brush' #40. The e.l.f. brush is just your everyday $1 blending brush but I just feel that it blends my colors together perfectly. My 'I am smoked brush' is one from a set that I purchased at a convention. On the website, one brush is $9.99 but I bought the entire set (love it!). I have 2 of both of these brushes (backups) and they both stand up very well to everyday use.

Right now I'm eyeing a few more blending brushes. Sonia Kashuk has a blending brush that I like the fluff of and Sephora has a crease blending brush that looks nice.

What do you think? Do you have a favorite blending brush? What do you think I should add to my blending collection?

Jan 26, 2014

International Envy - L'Oreal Paris Color Riche Collection Privée nail polish

I watch a lot of YouTube makeup videos and many of the folks that I enjoy watching are from places other than the continental US. I love watching them create an everyday face video or a glamorous night out look although sometimes I get a bit weepy when they tell me the products that they used. If they went to Superdrug or Browns department store, then 9 times out of 10, whatever they are wearing, I can’t get. I love a good haul but when they talk about a fantabulous lipstick or eyeliner that they picked up from Debenhams or a top from Asda I get sad. I know that I can order online and possibly pay premium shipping or I can pop over to the USA site but you don't always get the same product lines. Even Poundland has stuff that our Dollar Tree doesn't have and that makes me jealous! I don't want to be sad or jealous when I watch my friends across the water. So instead, I get International Envy.

I don’t think it’s a real condition but it should be. How many times have you been reading a blog and the person is using the eyeshadow quad that would be so perfect on you and it’s some company you've never hear of?! You Google it and it’s based in another country. Then you look it up on Amazon.com and Ebay.com and they sell them….for some outrageous amount plus shipping!!! Or, it is a company that we have in the US but that particular collection isn't one that they plan to show in the US.

That’s International Envy and I get it often.

The most recent time was when I was reading a blog and they mentioned one L'Oreal Paris Color Riche Collection Privée nail polish. The colors were so pretty! I had never seen it in my stores so I assumed they were the new spring colors. I began to research and I found out that L'Oreal Paris Color Riche Collection Privée is beautiful collection of 6 nail polishes and 6 lipsticks in a wonderful array of warm nudes that would be so perfect for my collection. They looked so creamy and so supple. I just had to have them!

I set out to see if my local drugstores had them. Why no, they did not! Perhaps it was too soon in the season for them and the blog post that I had read had been a teaser. I went back to the “World Wide Web” to see what was going on.

Turns out this collection is mainly European and I cannot readily get them here. I can seek out stores that got small numbers of certain colors (or pay $25 on ebay for a lipstick). There are a few stores (not very close to my house) that sell 4 of the polish colors but none of the lipsticks. NONE!

Thus, I now have International Envy.

It’s ok. I was relentless and hunted down the 6 colors and POW! BAM! I found the polish! A Walgreens about 30 minutes from my house had them (and not many of them). I hightailed it over there, in rush hour traffic -- FRIDAY rush hour traffic. Guess what?!

I am International!

Well, in my head I'm International. I do have International nail polish though.

And that makes it all worthwhile.

I am so excited to use these colors. I want to wear them all at one time. But that's crazy!

Right! Right??

Jan 25, 2014

Quickie Review - Rimmel Lip Products

Can I tell you that I am in love? Can I tell you that I have met 2 lipstick lines that make my lips feel so soft and supple? Can I tell you that I have met a brand that I am ready to go all the way with -- hands under the sweater?

Ok, maybe that was a bit much but seriously, I have fallen in love with Rimmel lipsticks. I found one at the drugstore (of course) and another one at Big Lots. Until last week, I didn't even own a Rimmel lipstick. I owned a liner but I don't think I had even taken the cap off. Rimmel Lasting Finish by Kate changed all of that!

I purchased Rimmel Lasting Finish by Kate in 08, Rossetto and Rimmel Exaggerate Full Colour Lip Liner in Ravish. I knew when I swatched them that I'd like the rosy nude color. What I didn't know is that they are a wonderful matte color that lasts for hours without feeling dry. Most mattes that I have tried have been dry and I have to use tons of balm to moisturize my lips. My lips drink up as much moisture as they can so I'm never without a lip balm. I usually have to slather on balm and then the lipstick. This lipstick didn't need more than a brief swipe of balm. I plan on checking out #105, #107 & #110. I'll let you know what I think!

The Rimmel Exaggerate Full Colour Lip Liner is a twist up liner and it's silky smooth. I did apply some balm and then used the stick as color and holy moly! It was so pretty. I was super impressed. My liner (when used with lip stick) lasted all day and looked as if I had just applied it.

I picked up my Rimmel Moisture Renew in 820, Cherrylicious because I had already worn the Rimmel by Kate. I was so glad that I did. Cherrylicious is a slightly plummy, slightly nude shade. I recognize the two colors almost look the same but there is a slight difference and they are still both colors that will get so much use. Rimmel Renew is very moist and only needed a swipe of balm. It looked great and felt so good. It lasted several hours and only needed a reapply after lunch. I picked it up a discount store so I'm pretty sure it's a discontinued line but if I find more online or at another Big Lots, I'm going to grab other colors.

I've owned the Rimmel Lasting Finish Lip Liner in Rose Quartz for several months. I pulled it out once I picked up my Rimmel lipsticks and loved it just as much. Even though it's not a twist up liner, it's still smooth and goes on easily. My liner stayed in place all day. I had to remove it when I took off my makeup. I think this liner would be fine over some gloss as it's own color.

Yes ma'am! I love these Rimmel lip products. I will begin playing close attention to their new items!

Jan 24, 2014

Quickie Review - Nivea Lip Care Products

I love my drugstores and their sales. When I can earn extra bucks, rewards or whatever their point system is, I'm all in. Every Saturday I scan the drugstore circulars and see how I can stretch my cosmetic dollar.

This week I purchased 3 Nivea Lip Products - Nivea Lip Butter in Caramel Cream Kiss, Nivea A Kiss Of Milk & Honey Soothing Lip Care and Nivea A Kiss Of Vitamin Swirl Antioxidant Enriched Lip Care with Sunscreen, SPF 10.

I kinda want my money back. I kinda, really do. I know that doesn't make sense but neither do these lip butters! I liked the Caramel Cream Kiss well enough. It smells pretty nice and it's moisturizing but it's in a tin. I don't want to put my dirty finger in a tin and then rub dirt and lip butter on my lips! I know, that one was my fault because it's clearly in a tin and I should have known how the product would have to be applied but... well, it's in a tin! It's not totally an unsalvageable purchase though. I have begun to take a lip brush and use that. That does make it better so lip tin salvaged! $3.99 that wasn't poorly spent. I wouldn't repurchase it though.

The 'A Kiss Of' lip care tubes are going in the trash. They were $2.99 each and if I hadn't gotten points/dollars/bucks for the purchase, I'd be more upset. The Vitamin Swirl was almost moisturizing but there is this off smell that I don't want sitting under my nose. I don't like the scent. I'm not sure that I can describe the smell. It's well..weird. The Milk & Honey smelled less weird but the tube wasn't moisturizing at all. Perhaps it was a dried up tube. I don't know but rubbing it on my lips was not a fun experience.

All in all, I would not make another Nivea lip product purchase. I got my fill with these. Have you tried them before? I know some of you have because you got extra perks/rewards/thingies for buying them. What do you think of them? Do you want me to send you mine? I'll wipe them off first...promise!

Jan 23, 2014

Monthly Nail Polish Review - January

Hey there.

I know that I've already given you a first impression (and a first look) of most of the nail (and toe) colors that I've worn this month. Now it's time to see how they did in the 6 day challenge. Well, not challenge but you know. I wore them for about 6 days to see if there were any significant chips or problems with the formula or if the color wasn't that great or if it took hours to remove or if it turned my nails black after use...you get the picture.

You are in luck! This month I've tried some really nice polishes and that means I have new brands to add to my collection. This month I wore Rimmel Lasting Finish Pro Nail Color in 200 Bare Naked, China Glaze in 1181 Glitz'n pieces, L'Oreal Nail Color in 320 Marvelous, Kleancolor Nail Lacquer in 310 3D duochrome, Wet n Wild Fastdry Nail Color in 237C Gray's Anatomy and Revlon Nail Enamel in 330 Naughty.

Rimmel Lasting Finish Pro Nail Color in 200 Bare Naked scared me at first. Not the color, the nice peach color was actually very pretty but you can't go wrong with a soft nude/peach color. The brush scared me. It's a thick, brush with a tapered end. Maybe that shows I've been buying cheap polish too long. I thought that the brush would give me waaaaay too much polish. It actually did the opposite. The tapered end meant I got a more precise stroke of color and probably used less polish. The staying power wasn't fantabulous but I'm not sure I was expecting more than I got. There were two chips within 4 days but I spend my days typing and using my hands a lot so that wasn't bad. Overall, I'd purchase another color from this line and give it a whirl.

I used China Glaze in 1181 Glitz'n pieces as an accent nail color over my Rimmel Bare Naked color. It was different for me but a nice different. It was really pretty over the Bare Naked but next time, I'll use a different color. The Bare Naked was a warm color and Glitz'n pieces probably needed to go over a cooler color. The staying power was terrific and I didn't have much trouble taking the color off. I had to do the 'cotton pad on the nail for 10 minutes' trick but I do that with normal polish anyway.

I loved L'Oreal Nail Color in 320 Marvelous. I've only been wearing it for 5 days but there don't appear to be any major chips. The color is a warm, rich cocoa brown that looks really good against my complexion. It also has the tapered brush that I'm getting use to. I plan on keeping this in the rotation. Of all the polishes I wore this month, this is the clear winner! Love it!!

I had a New Years Eve party that I went to and I need a metallic pale purple polish. I had two colors in my collection, Kleancolor Nail Lacquer in 310 3D duochrome and Wet n Wild Fastdry Nail Color in 237C Gray's Anatomy. I used the duochrome purple and then added a coat of the Wet n Wild Gray's Anatomy on top. So pretty. Really pretty. I'd have picture for you but...it was on my tootsies. Not sure that anyone wants to see that!

And last (and liked least) I used Revlon Nail Enamel in 330 Naughty on my tootsies. They aren't a stranger to darker colors; purples, browns, greens, etc. I've also used the Revlon Nail Enamel brand before and like it. I wasn't fond of this color though. Even thought it was a dark purple, it was a flat color that left much to be desired. Polish lasts on my toes for about 2 weeks so the wear is fine I just didn't like the color. I think I'll give it to the kiddo. She liked it.

So there you have it. The best dressed nails in town belonged to me! And the toes with the flattest purple every created belonged to me.

You can't win them all I guess.

Jan 22, 2014

What Flat Iron Do You Use?

I’m on the hunt for a flat iron folks. I’ve use my trusty Conair 3/4" Ceramic Hair Flat Iron for more years that I know. And before that? Another Conair, same color and everything. After 3 years of use, I dropped that one and broke it in half. Now that I’m older, wiser (HA!) and trying to take better care of my hair, I’m looking for some alternatives.

I’ve seen the CHI flat irons (at $100 a pop) and some other alternatives at Ulta, Sally Beauty and Target. They have so many selections, at such a high price point, I really want to pick the right one for my hair. I have relaxed hair and even though I wrap it at night, I still need a touch of heat many mornings. During weeks 1 , 2 & 3 of my perm, my hair looks great and I only need heat every other or every third day. During weeks 4 & 5, I need heat more often. Week 6, 7 and the struggling 8th week – girl you better get some heat on this hair! I have to put heat on it or pull it back into a ponytail.

My Conair is good and I might get through the rest of the year with it but I probably need to start to think about upgrading. I just have so many questions before I do it!

Does the ceramic vs. whatever else they have make a difference? Is black ceramic different than silver or red ceramic? I’ve read the reviews and sure, that helps but I’m a real, live person, person. I want to hear what the people of the land have to say before I plop down up to $100 bucks for a hair tool. 

What do you use and how happy are you? Is that expensive flat iron really all that?

Jan 21, 2014

Organix Shampoos, Conditioners & Treatment Products

I have been using the Organix line of shampoos, conditioners and treatments and I must tell you, I think I have fallen in love. I know, I know.  I am totally late to the party but I showed up! And, I brought chips and dip. So it’s okay, right?

Seriously, I bought the Moroccan Argan Crème Shampoo and Conditioner and the Brazilian Keratin Therapy Shampoo and Conditioner from CVS when they were on sale several months ago. I have relaxed hair and I have to be really careful about the products that I use.  The wrong products will dry my hair out. The hair blogs and youtube channels  had been touting the benefits of certain oils for relaxed hair so when I saw the CVS sale (and used some CVS bucks!) and decided to give it a try.

The first time I used the Moroccan Argan Crème Shampoo I was delighted that it smelled so nice. I only had to use a dab and it had a good lather.  When I squirted a dollop of conditioner on my hand and ran it through my hair I had to take a minute to go back and read the bottle. I thought I had put more shampoo on my hair. The conditioner glided through my hair like a dream! I covered my hair, used a conditioning cap for 20 minutes and rinsed out. My hair was so soft and it smelled glorious.

I tried the Brazilian Keratin Therapy and while it smells good too, I didn’t get the earth shattering conditioner experience so I probably won’t buy that one again. I just purchased the Cherry Blossom Ginseng and after one use, I feel happy with it but I will probably go back to my Moroccan Argan Crème. 

My hair really does feel healthier and smells great. I do plan on keeping the Moroccan Argan Crème in the mix and I’ll let you know about any new ones that I try.

Have you tried any of the Organix line? What’s your fave?

Jan 20, 2014

Nail Polish Change - L'Oreal Nail Color in 320 Marvelous

Hey there!

This week I tried L'Oreal Nail Color in 320, Marvelous on my nails. In the bottle it looks like a very pretty light cocoa color with the slightest hint of pink and on your nails. It's a tad bit darker once on your nails but still just as pretty. It's rich and creamy and just looks so lush on my hands! It's a really good warm color great against my skin.

The application is nice. It has a nice sized brush that's tapered to fit your nail perfectly. I used a base coat, 2 color coats and a top coat. I have a hard time not looking at my nails as I type or do dishes. This color is staying in my rotation for sure.

The bottle is very sleek and 'uptown' looking. I purchased it half off but it's so nice that I will get other colors at (WAIT FOR IT.....) full price! I've admitted before that I tended to gravitate towards cheaper polishes. This polish is definitely the one to get me to break that trend.

I plan on a overall nail polish review later in the month but I'm pretty sure that I will only have good things to say about this one.

Jan 19, 2014

Quickie Review - Almay Color + Care Liquid Lip Balm

In December I got a great deal on Almay Color + Care Liquid Lip Balms. Rite Aid had them BOGO 1/2 price and a $5 off of 2 coupon magically appeared online. You know I go all soft and squishy for lip glosses (excuse me, liquid lip balms) and I really love a great deal. I was very excited to try these liquid lip balms and even bought some for the kiddo for Christmas. I picked up Rosy Lipped, Cantaloupe Cream, Pink Pout, Truffle Kiss and Just Plum Good. My local Rite Aid didn't have a huge selection by the time I went in. I've learned that you have to do your drugstore sale shopping on Sunday or Monday or you get leftovers! I did check the website and there are 10 colors total. A nice shade variety I think.

Just As Bad Lighting (Sorry!)
Bad Lighting
 These are just like most glosses as far as color pigment. It gives you just enough color to see but not so much that you get a blaze of color. They wear very nicely on the lips. The balms are very creamy, they don't have a taste but they do have a light, pleasant smell. They aren't sticky or thick -- just a nice medium consistency that allows maybe 4 - 5 swipes over the lips to give enough color for both top and bottom. I have worn them alone when I didn't want much more than a colored sheen but for times that I wanted more color, I've been using lip liners as a base and then the gloss on top.

I really like these and plan on getting more colors. I have my eye on Blooming Balm, Apricot Pucker and Apple A Day.

Have you tried Almay Color + Care Liquid Lip Balms? What did you think?

Jan 18, 2014

It's A Haul Y'all!

Last we spoke, I was planning to slam through the stores last Saturday and leave all my money there. It didn't exactly happen that way. Oh, I went shopping and I picked up a few odds and ends but I didn't pick up any makeup goodies at all. I guess it just wasn't my day. Don't worry though. I made up for it during the week.

I had a few missions for the week. I wanted to get my hands on some Wet n Wild items, Revlon Super Lustrous lip colors and a few Rimmel Scandaleyes Eyeshadow sticks. It took a run through 6 stores, but I did it!

My first finds were Rimmel Lasting Finish by Kate lipstick (08 Rossetto) and Rimmel Exaggerate Full Colour Lip Liner (057 Ravish). They were BOGO 1/2 off at CVS. They're both nudes with a slight warm brown tint. I know I said I was getting other colors and I will -- I promise! Stop looking at me like that! Other shades are in the plan. Because they were BOGO 1/2, together they were like $6 or something.

My next finds were my Wet n Wild megasticks (Rico Mauve & Lady and The Vamp) and Coloricon eyeshadow palette (Floral Values). How about that for color?! Nice pink and purple hues for my eyes. Can't wait to play in that palette! The palette was $3.99 minus a $1.00 coupon and the megasticks were $2.99 minus a $1.00 coupon. Nice, huh?!

I mentioned the Revlon Super Lustrous lip colors (Fatal Apple & Pinkissimo) that I picked up from Walgreens. I am soooo ready to tear into those colors. They are beautiful reds but because they are glosses, they will be light reds. I also picked up the Rimmel Scandaleyes Eyeshadow sticks in Paranoid Purple, Bad Girl Bronze & Bulletproof Beige. I don't remember the price at Walgreens (and I can't find my receipt) but the Bulletproof Beige was $3.97 at Walmart so the others probably averaged about the same.

I picked up 3 masks this week. I'm planning to try the paper masks and see if it makes a difference in my skin. I picked up a Freeman Hydrating Paper Blue Agave Mask from CVS ($1.37) and 2 Facial Essence Masks, one with Collagen & Vitamin E and a Firming and Lifting one with Vitamin C. They were $.60 at Big Lots. I may try one tomorrow! Have you tried facial masks? Have you seen a major difference? What brand did you try?

Big Lots had some other interesting things too. Orange & grapefruit body butter by Village Naturals ($.90 for 2 oz) and Rimmel Moisture Renew lipcolor in Cherrylicious ($1.50). It's cocoa brown. Yeah, I know.
And the "piece de résistance" was a 96 piece eyeshadow palette from e.l.f. It was $3.00 at Target. Endcaps are the best! I'm kinda excited about it! I've heard great things about e.l.f. palettes.

I know that I keep saying I'm ready to try things even though I've had some of the products for almost a week. I didn't want to open products and use them until I had done my haul post. Weird? I dunno. But now that I've done my haul post, I can play in my makeup! I have a 3 day weekend so you can bet I'm going to try some stuff out!

As always, I'll let you know what I think!! 

Jan 17, 2014

Bee Nice!

(NOTE: I had to edit this post. Once I went back and read my receipt, I realized that my extremely nice sales associate's name was Heather).

Hopefully this post doesn't catch you too late. Hopefully you haven't gone shopping yet. If you haven't, great because we need to talk about your greatest asset in this makeup game, your sales associate. 

I learned very early in life that you have to be nice to everyone. You catch more bees with honey, all that jazz. It is really true though. It doesn't matter where you are going to get your make up products. It can be the corner drugstore or the high end department store -- It's all the same. Be nice and typically you get nice back (we'll talk about what happens when you don't get nice back another day). Your sales associate has the "in". She knows when product comes in, where it's placed, what folks are saying and if they are super nice, they will call you when product comes in or save it just for you!

For instance, yesterday I went it to pick up my Revlon Super Lustrous lip glosses (you may have seen the instagram post). I finally found them after being out of stock at THREE stores! I picked them up but noticed they weren't BOGO 1/2 off. I had searched high and low for Fatal Apple & Pinkissimo and now that I had them, I didn't want to let them go. I don't like paying full price for anything BUT those colors are soooo pretty. Well, Heather(a lovely sales associate that was so sweet to me!) offered to see if they had a store coupon. Low and behold she found dollar off coupons! Well that's practically a sale! You see I brought them home!

And, she was sweet enough to offer some samples from an event that they had over the weekend (that I missed just being plain lazy). She was just a really sweet lady all around. I'll make sure that I go to that drugstore now on and I'll make sure I speak with Heather. And, if I get any good stuff, I'll share with her. She is definitely someone to be nice to!

As are most of the sales associates. Most of them are happy to talk to you (if they aren't busy so try to go during slow times in the day). Always speak, maybe tell them how much you like makeup or that you write a blog or that you have a youtube channel. Be friendly! Everyone (almost) likes it when you are friendly. You do get more bees with honey.

Just don't call the sales associate honey.

They don't like that.

I know.

Don't ask.

Jan 16, 2014

What's The Common Color Here?

Do you see a trend? Notice any color similarities? Yeah, me too.

It's not that I don't like color. I do...I promise. It's just that when I put on my face of the day, I reach for tried and true glosses and lipsticks. I go with bronze, cocoa, and soft gold eyeshadows. Warm, rich colors make me happy. Every now and then I'll add a pop of purple or fuchsia, nothing too fancy, mind you.

So now I have  another goal for 2014 (I told you, I like goals). I'm going to add bursts of color to my makeup collection. Not big, bangs. Heavens no! Do you want to render me unconscious? Just small, subtle strokes of color. Not enough to stop and stare but enough for folks to go, "Oh, how nice! Did you do something different today?"

I've know that almost all the cosmetic companies have a wilder side to their line (in addition to the nude side that I'd normally go to). I haven't purchased anything from that wilder side but I have seen them. This year, I'm going to purchase some of them...

...and WEAR them!

I'm going to add a blue eyeshadow, maybe a cherry red lipstick. I'm going to go bold!

On a Saturday, not a work Tuesday.

Baby steps, baby steps.

Jan 15, 2014

Baby It's Cold Outside!

Most of the year I live in very pleasant weather. I like the heat so when winter comes, I cringe. Apparently, my face does too. My normally normal skin gets dry and flaky during the very first cold snap of the year and doesn't straighten out until 72˚ shows up and stays put. Right now by 7 pm my face feels so tight and dry that my skin soaks up night cream. There are nights that I slather cream on my face twice.

Because I'm probably not the only person that has searched the web for good skin care products, I thought I'd let you in on my skin care routine. It's pretty simple but if I stick to it, I'm usually ok. If I deviate from it for more than a day or two, there's trouble ahead and it takes almost a week to get things right again.

My search for good skin began 7 months ago when I tried a Philosophy Purity Made Simple trial size face wash. I had been using facial wipes but after 2 or 3 weeks of each type of wipe, my face would get red and bumps would appear. Once I began wearing heavier eye makeup (mascara, colored shadows, etc) and foundation with more coverage, I needed a stronger face cleanser  than the one I had been using. Eye remover was another puzzle for me. Each type that I tried made my eyes sting and a few even left a film on my eyes! I researched other folk's skin care routines and came across Purity Made Simple and I fell in love. This cleanser is gentle on my skin but boy does it melt eye makeup off! I mean it really does without a residue or anything. You see I have a gigantic bottle of it (and a spare in the closet). I use a face scrub pad on my face (not my eyes though) and that seems to exfoliate very well. I know about the expensive scrubbers but this works for me.

My day time face moisturizer is Garnier Moisture Rescue. I've used it for almost 2 years and it's pretty good. It has an SPF of 15 and feels good under my face powder or foundation. I have no complaints but I'm participating in my Sample Bin Series so that could change.

My night time moisturizer is Lacura Q10 night cream. I found it at ALDI on the recommendation of a few youtube vloggers. Again, it works but I'm not in love with it. I'd be open to other moisturizers. I've tried different gels and creams before and wasn't impressed. This is the first cream in a while that I've liked well enough to keep using it. Not sure that I'll repurchase it. I might find something new and well, spring is near (If I keep saying that, it will get here faster).

I have 2 little extras that I use several times a day. I had a huge growth on my face for about 2 years that I named Henry. Well, it wasn't really huge. It was a small cyst that you couldn't see because I wear glasses most of the time. But, it needed to be removed. Once I built up the courage (and my doctor assured me it wouldn't leave a deep scar that I would need a plastic surgeon for), I had it removed about 4 months ago. Yes, I have pictures, no, I won't show them cause some of you might be eating dinner. It was kinda gross.  Once the scar healed, I began using 100% cocoa butter on it. Amaze-balls, it faded it no time. So now I use cocoa butter on a multitude of sins.

And out of everything I use each day, my most beloved item is my Aquaphor. Cuts, scrapes, chapped lips, jacked up feet, you name it. I was introduced to it when my daughter was born. The nurses sent her home with a big tub of it and I've always had some on hand ever since. I have a large tube next to my bed, 2 tubes in my desk drawer at work, 1 tube on top of my desk, 1 tube in every purse, 1 tube on the book case, 1 tube in the remote holder next to the sofa...you get the picture. If you haven't tried Aquaphor you really should invest in a tube. Yes, you can go with the store brand because it is a bit pricey but if you are okay with making a few high priced cosmetic purchases a month, then you should be okay investing in this. It really is the best.

So I'm married to my Philosophy Purity Made Simple and my Aquaphor, I'm engaged to my Garnier Moisture Rescue and my 100% Cocoa Butter and I'm dating my Lacura Q10 night cream...

... until something better comes along.

Jan 13, 2014

Nail Polish Change - Rimmel Lasting Finish Pro Bare Naked & China Glaze Glitz'n Pieces

I picked up some really pretty polishes in my hauls this week. The colors were so pretty that I knew that I was going to have some fun with my nails.

Now, I've mentioned that I have a nail quirk. I like funky colors on my feet and demure colors on my hands. I think it's because I work with my hands a lot and so they chip quickly. It's easy to touch up demure colors (nudes, pales, etc). My toe nail polish lasts 3 or 4 weeks sometimes so I can go crazy with color on them. This week I picked up 6 polishes. I got 4 for my hands, 1 for my toes and 1 fancy overcoat color.

The nail colors resemble many polishes that I have in my collection already. These colors are basic pales and mauves that are totally me. Maybelline Bold Gold is probably the exception to the rule. It is a touch outside of normal for nails but not crazy or anything.


    Rimmel Lasting Finish Pro - 200 Bare Naked
     L'Oreal Nail Color - 320 Marvelous
     Maybelline Color Show - 70 Bold Gold
     Sally Hansen Instra-Dry Fast Dry Nail Color - 180 Rose Rum

I've chosen the Rimmel Bare Naked to go under the China Glaze Glitz'n Pieces. I only Glitzed my ring fingers on both hands. Looks cute I think.

Side note - Folks, I had gel nails for about 6 months. They looked so pretty. I got complements everywhere I went. Once I decided to take them off and let my nails breathe, I discovered that my natural nails looked horrible! They were soft and a tad discolored. I've been letting them heal and 4 months later, they are better, but not the best. I've added biotin to my vitamins so they are making a slow recovery. My nails photographed so beautifully a year ago. Now, well, this is what I have. I working on it though.

 The Revlon polish that I got for my toesies is in 330 Naughty. That is a normal toe nail color, jazzy, funky, shows off my toesies perfectly. I have something on right now so I'll probably wait until next weekend to do them.

The China Glaze in 1181 Glitz'n pieces is a bit new for me. I haven't done glittery overlay in many years but I'm very excited to show this off.

After I've had a bit of time to test run the different polishes, I'll be sure to do a review for you. Maybe I can do a nail review each month. What do you think? Do you have any colors that you've seen that you'd like to try?